Further Reading: the Titanic Bibliography

This is a list of books that include the Titanic. Some of these may be out of print now, but check out your local library and you may find what you are looking for.


_____________(no author given). _Olympic and Titanic_ (facsimile of _The
Shipbuilder_, Summer 1911). 2nd ed. Cambridge: Patrick Stephens,

_____________(no author given). _The Titanic Disaster - Report of the
Committee on Commerce, U.S. Senate_ (facsimile report of 1912 U.S.
Senate Hearings). Riverside: 7 C's Press, 1975.

_____________(no author given). _The World's Largest and Finest Steamers -
New Triple Screw S.S. Olympic and Titanic_ (facsimile reprint of
White Star Line brochure, October 1911). Riverside: 7 C's Press, no

Ballard, Robert D. _The Discovery of the Titanic_. Toronto: Warner/Madison,

Bown, Mark and Simmons, Roger. _RMS Titanic - A Portrait in Old Picture
Postcards_. Shropshire: Brampton Publications, 1987.

Davie, Michael. _The Titanic - The Full Story of a Tragedy_. London: Bodley
Head, 1986.

Dodge, Washington. _The Loss of the Titanic_ (facsimile reprint of May 1912
speech). Riverside: 7 C's Press, no date.

Eaton, John and Haas, Charles. _Titanic - Destination Disaster_. New York:
Norton, 1987.

Gibbs, Philip. _The Deathless Story of the Titanic_ (facsimile reprint).
Riverside: 7 C's Press, no date.

Hoffman, William and Grimm, Jack. _Beyond Reach - The Search for the
Titanic_. New York: Beaufort, 1982.

Hutchings, David. _RMS Titanic - 75 Years of Legend_. Southampton:
Kingfisher Railway Productions, 1987.

Lord, Walter. _A Night to Remember_ (rev. illustrated ed.). New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1976.

Lord, Walter. _The Night Lives On - New Thoughts, Theories and Revelations
About the Titanic_. New York: Morrow, 1986.

Lynch, Don. _Titanic - An Illustrated History_. New York: Hyperion, 1992.

Marcus, Geoffrey. _The Maiden Voyage_. (paperback). New York: Manor Books,

Wade, Wyn Craig. _The Titanic - End of a Dream_. New York: Rawson Wade,
1979. (Paperback: Penguin, 1980).

Winocour, Jack, ed. _The Story of the Titanic as Told by its Survivors_.
New York: Dover, 1960.

Bibliography thanks to David Brownstein.